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執筆者の写真Helen Zhang

Pilates complements sports training

balance is key, and Chris is using pilates to bring flexibility into his training.

Chris has been doing Pilates at My body My Pilates for five years now and he has no intention of stopping!

Chris was doing mostly jogging and muscle training in the past. One has to really listen to the body to know what's working or not, and what Chris noticed was how stiff his muscles were becoming. They were good exercise regimes to do but he felt something was missing. He decided to start doing yoga and Pilates.

Pilates turned out to be a really good decision because he acquired not just new skills but also a new awareness of his body. He learnt how to exercise correctly.

One of the big motivation plus points for Chris is how close the studio is to his house, and also the fact that there are really small classes at My body My Pilates. We have a maximum of 5 and not more, so that our instructors can fully focus on what each individual body needs and how they are progressing. He used to go to classes with 8 people and he really noticed the difference.

Chris enjoys working on the Reformer and he's looking forward to trying the Tower and Chair also! We have a comprehensive range of Pilates apparatus so there is something to suit every need and every level.

Hiroko is Chris' favourite instructor. Get to know our instructors and you'll find one that you work really well with!

For Chris, he would love to have a beginner's class that starts from the very basics for those who are just dipping their toes into Pilates. He recommends people do two classes to try it out before joining a regular class.

We're glad Chris stayed beyond his first and second classes, and he's now making Pilates a natural way of life!

Watch CHRIs' interview here:

Chris speaks Japanese very fluently :)

今年で5年になります。ピラティスの前にジョギングや筋トレをやっていたけれど筋肉がすごく硬くなってしまったのでヨガやピラティスを始めてみようと思い、ピラティスを始めました。新しい技術を身につけたこと。運動のやり方を学ぶことができたこと。家から近いことと、クラスが少人数であることが大好きです。以前通っていたところは8人のクラスでした。リフォーマーが気に入ってますがタワーやチェアもやってみたい。もちろんHIROKOさんが一番好きです。理由は色々あります。ピラティスを始めてみたい人向きの基本を教える初心者のクラスがあると良いと思います。 普通のクラスに入る前に2回くらいがいいと 思います。



Our Pilates studio is at 3 丁目5ー11元麻布 1/F Pilates Studio, Block C Majes Motoazabu Gardens, 港区 Tokyo 106-0046.

Contact My Body My Pilates to discuss your Pilates exercises.

My Body My Pilates, studio in Tokyo
My Body My Pilates, studio in Tokyo


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