My Body My Pilates

Jan 3, 2023

Introducing restoration classes

Updated: Jan 17

Why do we need restoration?

Because we are not machines, and even machines need time off! Restoration is a beautiful self-care for one's body. And we are bringing you Restoration classes to help you engage more deeply with your body.

You can attend a Restoration Class using one of our Prepaid Packages.

THE NEW restoration class

This new class relieves tensed jaw, neck pain, tight shoulders, lower back problems... we've all experienced some, if not all of these. Hey, even our eye sockets can feel tensed with ever-increasing screen time. These are all red flags from your body to say, STOP!

Many of our clients tell us how much they appreciate their exercises here at My body My Pilates because it is a reminder to return to their bodies, to have a sacred, quiet hour to simply listen to their physical self and find their centre and alignment. And they walk out feeling refreshed, lighter and more energised. No wonder clients have been asking us to add more classes so they can do Pilates every day!

We're taking this a step further by introducing a new Restoration class. This focuses specifically on releasing, realigning and restoring the body back to balance.

When is the Restoration class and what it includes

  • Every Wednesday 6.30pm

  • Every Saturday Restoration 5pm

The class may have a mix of Yoga, Tower Pilates, Stretches and Fascia Release, which gives a good body workout.

Benefits of restoration

Our Restoration classes bring many benefits such as:

  • optimise performance

  • stretch

  • release myofascial tension

  • improve mobility

  • aid tissue recovery

  • increase circulation

  • boost hydration

  • nourish tissues

  • increase proprioception

  • release tension

  • increase range of motion

What we do in restoration

You are going to simply love this. Restoration has never felt this good.

In our Restoration classes, we do Yoga, use balls, stretch bands, and we do exercises on the Tower. You will experience a variety of exercises to target specific muscles and areas of the body.

Where there is accumulated tension or tightness, this class helps to bring about release and balance. Come to our Restoration class to recover from stress and feel relaxed and light after each class. Balance is key.

Restore, because your body needs it and deserves it. Restore so you can go further, and happier!


Our Pilates studio is at 3 丁目5ー11元麻布 1/F Pilates Studio, Block C Majes Motoazabu Gardens, 港区 Tokyo 106-0046.

Contact My Body My Pilates to learn more about our Pilates classes.