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PILATES IS back in the studio!

Our schedule now includes studio and online classes

We're very excited to inform you that our Pilates Studio will reopen again from 1 June. It's time to get our bodies happy again after such a long time isolated at home.

6月1日から、My Body My Pilatesのスタジオが再開しました!長い長い自粛生活が明け、私たちの身体をハッピーにする時が来ましたよ! We have made some changes to our Pilates classes, so please take note.


Check out our June schedule which has many in-studio Reformer, Tower, Chair, OOV and Prenatal classes. Online Pilates classes continue for adults and children.

6月のスケジュールから、スタジオでのリフォーマー,タワー,チェア,OOV,産前ピラティス レッスンを増やしました。オンラインピラティスでは引き続き大人のレッスンとお子様のレッスンが受けられます。

There are a few changes you will notice from 1 June: 6月1日からの変更点

  • We have added "All Level" classes for Tower, Chair and Reformer Pilates - whether you're a beginner or more advanced, you will benefit from these classes!


  • Thank YOU for making our online Pilates program a success! Many of our members appreciated the convenience of the online classes, and those are scheduled throughout the week as well. Our introductory promo pricing will be ending on 31 May, and from 1 June, the new online Pilates pricing will be ¥2,000 per class.

online Pilates programを受けてくださった皆さん、ありがとうございます!たくさんの生徒さんが簡単に受けられるオンラインレッスンを楽しんでくださり、週の中で選んでいただけるレッスンが多くあったことをとても喜んでくださいました。5月31日でプロモーション料金は終了となり、6月1日からは新料金の1クラス¥2,000に変更となりましたのでご了承くださいませ。

  • Our Packages now come in bundles of 5, 10 and 20 classes.


Additionally, we will continue to implement the measures in place earlier:


  • Our class size has always been small and will remain small with five people at a time maximum.


  • Classes still need to be booked at least 2 hours in advance


  • My Body My Pilates Studio is defusing “Thieves”, a 100% plant-based essential oil to clean the air. We use “Thieves household cleaner" to clean all our equipment. We encourage you and our instructors to wipe down all equipment used after each class. Use our hand spray to clean your hands after taking off your shoes.

My Body My Pilatesスタジオは100%植物由来のエッセンシャルオイル“Thieves”で空気清浄をし、“Thieves household cleaner"で道具を拭き上げています。インストラクターにも、生徒のみなさんにも、レッスンの後には必ず使った道具を拭くようにお願いしています。靴を脱いだ後には、スタジオの消毒スプレーで手を消毒してください。

  • Do not attend class if you are feeling unwell.


  • If you are unsure of these arrangements, please contact us.


But whether you choose to exercise at home or in the studio, please make sure that you do try to take the time out to take care of yourself. After all, Pilates helps build your immune system!

My Body My Pilates studio is at 3 丁目5ー11元麻布 1/F Pilates Studio, Block C Majes Motoazabu Gardens, 港区 Tokyo 106-0046

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